Odors- Indoor Air Quality

Odors- Indoor Air Quality

Lab - Odor Evaluations 3
Lab - Odor Evaluations 2
Lab - Odor Evaluations 1
Lab - Odor Evaluations 3 Lab - Odor Evaluations 2 Lab - Odor Evaluations 1

What you need to know

When a new carpet and cushion are installed in a home or business, some odor may result, just as a new car has its own odor.   These may come from the raw materials and the manufacturing process used to produce the products. On glue-down installations, the adhesive will also contribute its odor to the room.  Glue-down installations can be expected to have much stronger odors than carpet that is stretched-in.  These odors are a normal characteristic of new materials.  The odors will normally start to dissipate as the carpet is

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Fiber Properties

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Missing Row

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Missing Row


Browning Browning is a dark discoloration that appears at the tips of face yarns that occurs after wet carpet dries....
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Wrinkles in Backing

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Wrinkles in Backing


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Tube Line-Pile Reversal

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Tube Line-Pile Reversal

Traffic Lane Gray

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Traffic Lane Gray

Top Cuts

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Top Cuts

Tip Bloom

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Tip Bloom