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bamboo cupping-2946


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Moisture imbalance

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Moisture imbalance

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Moisture imbalance

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Measuring cupping at different depths within the board

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Board edges are higher than the centers

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Board edges are higher than the centers

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What you need to know

Cupping of hardwood appears as a convex or dished surface profile across the width of boards and occurs as a result of a moisture imbalance, whereby the bottoms of the boards contain higher moisture than the tops. Oftentimes a cupped flooring surface will appear as a rippled or washboard in the installed floor. Lighting conditions often enhance the cupped appearance of the floor. The source for cupping is environmentally driven and most commonly originates from elevated moisture conditions in the subfloor, which then infiltrate into the bottom of flooring boards following installation and cause a moisture imbalance. This condition can develop …..

Industry Standards

The 2018 National Wood Flooring Association publication C200 hundred, Problems, Causes and Cures states the following on page 6.

Cupping: definition: A concave or…..

Technical Guidelines

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The 2018 National Wood Flooring Association Publication C200, Problems, Causes, and Cures, states the following on page 14. Splits/Cracks Definition:...
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Hollow Sounds

  The National Wood Flooring Association (NWFA) states the following on page 28 of the 2018 Technical Publication C200, Problems,...
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Dry Cupping – Engineered Hardwood

What you need to know The National Wood Flooring Association states the following on page 8 of the 2018 Technical...
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Dry Cupping – Engineered Hardwood

White Lines

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White Lines

Water Damage

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Vapor Retarder

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Vapor Retarder

Splinters (Slivers)

What you need to know The National Wood Flooring Association states the following on page 14 of the 2018 Technical...
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Splinters (Slivers)

Side Bonding

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Side Bonding